Is Your Bucket Overflowing?

Is Your Bucket Overflowing?

You've probably heard of the toxic bucket theory - it's one of my favorite ways of illustrating how everything we eat, breathe, drink, and consume has a direct effect on our body. 

Your body is always trying to protect you. We all possess some capacity to handle a certain level of exposure to toxins & stress - a built-in, natural resillience. Genetically, some of us have smaller or larger “buckets” than others.

Regardless, when the “bucket” starts to overflow - that’s when symptoms arise and health starts to decline. Your body is speaking to you - communicating that it has reached its capacity to protect you. It’s asking for help.

We see this now, more than ever, in our modern world. Our buckets are filling up faster than ever. Things like autoimmune conditions, metabolic dysfunction, and PCOS are more prevalent than ever before.

So what can we do?

The first step is to turn off the hose. You can take simple steps to reduce your exposure wherever possible:

-Become mold-conscious, test your home

-Filter your air & water

-Eat whole foods

-Buy local and organic when possible

-Build a daily stress management practice

-Face your fears & repressed traumas

-Use intentional supplementation to treat infections & support detoxification

-Work with a coach for personalized guidance

What is in your toxic bucket? What was the thing that pushed it over the edge to overflow? I can help you find answers + solutions. Work 1 on 1 with me to help uncover the things holding you back and awaken your own healing power. 

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