about me

“You have the power to alchemize every experience into fuel for your expansion”
I believe that my experiences have led me to this place where I can now be of service to other women on similar paths to mine. As a recovering high-achiever & perfectionist, I’m passionate about supporting women who have ever felt like they had to be & do everything – to the point that their health has suffered for it.
I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, playing competitive volleyball from a young age, always having some of the top grades in my class, excelling at extra-curriculars like marching band, earning college credits and scholarships before graduating, and overall striving to be a “good” girl who could do it all. Combined with the standard 90’s kid diet of pop-tarts and bagel bites, my “toxic bucket” began to fill up with unprocessed emotions and trauma, toxins from food like artificial colors, flavors and pesticides.
It wasn’t until my experience with birth control at age 18, when my bucket started to overflow. I started to experience debilitating anxiety, digestive problems, and mineral imbalances. (My strict vegan diet, devoid of any nutrients was not helping the situation either). After being given a general IBS “diagnosis,” and being told countless times that it was “all in my head”, I took my health into my own hands, got off of birth control and taught myself how to track my cycle. I immediately noticed improvements and felt wildly empowered to have re-connected with my body and its natural rhythms.
My journey didn’t end there - the years following, I was exposed to toxic mold every day at work and in my home. This was right at the time that I was beginning my career in the supplement and nutrition industry. The more I learned, the more I kept optimizing my health at every turn, but I could never quite get over symptoms like anxiety, hormonal imbalance, and gut issues.
In 2021, viral infections did a number on my already mold-weakened immune system, triggering symptoms of Mast Cell Activation. I tried every supplement on the planet, every elimination diet, and every “wellness hack” from sauna, to dry brushing, and red-light therapy – I came to the realization that I would never heal if I didn’t address the foundations first.
It wasn’t until I removed myself from the moldy environments, focused on nutrient dense meals, daily sunlight exposure and nervous system regulation, that I started to feel safe in my body again. In addition to these external factors, I had to make some internal changes too – I had to let go of the high-achieving attitude I was so accustomed to. Stressing about my health, my businesses, and my life in general, was destroying my health mentally & physically. No supplement routine or elimination diet could ever heal my body like setting boundaries, practicing self-love and un-attaching my worth from my productivity has been able to.
Thinking back to my 18 year old self – if I knew then what I know now, my suffering would have been significantly less. That’s why I’m passionate about being a facilitator for other women to discover their own healing power. I’m here to be a resource, a guide, and a friend to support you along your journey to wellness.
-xo Brooke