The Top 5 Mistakes People Make in Health & Healing
Healing is anything but linear, and it’s absolutely a deep learning process at every step. I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes along the way, so I’m passionate about helping others avoid challenges wherever possible. These are the top 5 mistakes I see constantly, with clients, people online, and certainly, myself included.
Treating Symptoms as Root Causes
How often do we see TikTok’s or Reels about a new parasite cleanse, claiming to fix all of our problems? It’s great that society is becoming more aware of the dangers of parasitic infections, but what the mainstream approach fails to consider is that parasites are not a root cause – they’re actually very far from it. Our bodies are innately designed and capable of preventing parasites from taking hold, but only when we aren’t carrying a large toxic load, when our gut lining is intact, when we are managing stress well, and when we’re eating clean. Unfortunately, in our modern world, not many people can manage to keep up the immune strength it requires to effectively ward off parasites naturally – that’s why we’re seeing so many people turning to cleanses for answers. And while there’s (usually) little harm in doing a short-term parasite cleanse, the results will very seldom be long-lasting. That’s because the root causes lie within deeper issues like mold exposure & colonization, gut dysbiosis, metabolic dysfunction, oxalate and/or copper toxicity, and heavy metal accumulation. Until these are also addressed, parasites will continue to thrive in a body lacking resilience. I see so many people waste time & money on countless cleanses, while ignoring the deeper issues that are asking for attention.
Supplementing With Trends, Rather Than Intention
I’ve been in the supplement industry for 8 years – I’ve seen alllll of the different trends come and go. From functional mushrooms to collagen, hair vitamins and of course all of the pre, pro and post-biotics. While there’s absolutely value in many supplements (when they’re from reputable brands who value quality & purity), they are certainly not one-size fits all. I see a big issue with national health food stores that have never-ending aisles of thousands of different supplements - a health novice can get in trouble very quickly, just picking up random things to try with zero guidance. The same goes for buying supplements from random Instagram ads – just because everyone is taking it, doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for you. Working closely with an experienced and knowledgeable coach or practitioner is the best approach to creating an intentional routine of supplements that will help you achieve your goals.
Masking Symptoms & Ignoring the Unseen
Many people I know walk the line between true holistic wellness and western, allopathic medicine. There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing this, unless you’re actively searching for root causes, attempting to make big shifts in your overall health. There’s a segment of the natural industry that isn’t so far off from western medicine – you have a symptom and you’re given a supplement to treat the symptom. It’s better on one hand, because it’s natural & likely to come without side effects, but on the other hand, you’re slapping a band-aid on the issue. Everyone is on their own journey, so at any given point along the way, this might be the best option for you. But if you’re tired of masking symptoms and barely treading water to feel well, diving deeper into your health with a root-cause-driven coach is the best next step towards making a lasting impact in your healing. Many people also fail to consider anything unseen could potentially be having a huge impact on their wellbeing, simply because it's not obvious. For example, living in a moldy home creates a long list of issues, but it's not always visible, so it's often dismissed as a legit root cause. Nervous system dysregulation plays a huge role in physical wellbeing, but the feeling of constant fight or flight can be subtle, and is also dismissed more often than it should be. A true holistic approach to healing considers all potential factors, including those that aren't always obvious.
Outsourcing Your Intuition
"A healer does not heal, they merely awaken the healing power that already resides within you." I’ve seen and worked with so many people who want to hand over the responsibility of their healing to someone else whether it’s their coach, practitioner, primary care doctor, partner, or friend. “Hands off, just tell me what to do and I’ll go through the motions.” This approach isn’t fair to you or the receiving individual. Your healing is yours, and it’s happening FOR you. There’s so much growth and expansion to be experienced within every step, and from my experience, this really can’t be bypassed. Especially with social media, it’s easy to lose sight of your own intuitive direction. Every day, we’re exposed to so many different options among an influx of constantly evolving information. This doesn’t mean I think you should have to go it alone – absolutely not. Finding and working closely with the right health coach who can act as a guiding light throughout the process (rather than a savior), is where the real magic can happen.
Setting Unattainable Goals of Being Completely “Healed”
To be human is to be constantly changing. Ebbing and flowing in response to the world around us. Our adaptive qualities are what make us so unique, resilient and innately intelligent. It’s unrealistic to believe that the human body can remain in a perfect, “healed” state for a long period of time. I see so many people who are constantly striving to make sure they’re NEVER experiencing a single symptom or ounce of discomfort in their bodies. I’m personally so guilty of this, and it’s a constant dance within my mind and body. Of course, we’re not just destined to be stuck in chronic symptoms like daily bloating, debilitating fatigue, skin problems or anything else that largely interrupts our lives. However, there’s value in accepting that “healing” is not linear, and recognizing the harm in putting pressure on yourself and your body to feel perfect all the time. It can be a tough pill to swallow when you realize that there’s no real finish line along the path of wellness. There are benchmarks and goals to achieve but attaching your worthiness & happiness to an unachievable end goal of perfection, won’t provide you with the feelings you think it will. To be truly “healed” is to honor and accept the bounds and limitations of being human, listening & communicating with your body, responding with the love and care it wants and needs.
If you’re interested in working with an experienced coach who takes a grounded, root-cause approach to wellness, learn more about how I can help here.